Welcome to php[tek]! We are the longest running PHP and related technology conference in the United States. We focus on bringing the experts in the field to you, the PHP developer. Our speakers share their experience and knowledge to level up your game over three days, while we provide plenty of opportunity for networking as well. Happening this year on May 21-23, 2019 in Atlanta, GA.
This year we took a step back from our planning process for php[tek] and talked to our past attendees to know what they wanted to see from our event. In the end, we heard quite a few things. People wanted and expected a more cohesive schedule of sessions, including unique talks that no other conference has, given by experts in the field. Instead of talks developed independently from each other and smashed together into a schedule, they wanted a curated experience.
So we are creating that.
This year php[tek] is being organized into a series of tracks, each dedicated to teaching you in-depth information about a specific topic. Leading up these tracks are hand-selected track chairs, chosen for their knowledge in the field and excellent presenters. They are all working together to create a unique curriculum to take your skills to the next level.
Each track’s design is a series of new talks that flow together smoothly, and yet, you can drop in/out of a track throughout the day as needed. Each session will be in a 1-hr timeslot. You can choose to sit in one room all day and learn a topic from beginning to end or bounce between the various tracks, putting together a unique learning experience tailored to your needs. The choice is yours.
There is a long history with php[tek] as this will be our 14th consecutive year running. The conference started back many years ago when there were only two events dedicated to the PHP programming language in the USA. One event focused on enterprise adoption of the programming language, and ourselves who focused on building the community and supporting the developer ecosystem.
We were formed by the publishers of php[architect] magazine, then (and now) the only monthly magazine dedicated to the PHP programming language.
Very quickly php[tek] became known as the conference to attend to connect with the decision makers in the world of PHP as well as many of the developers of the language itself. In fact, over time quite a few new PHP conferences began to spring up, hosted by various local community groups, with the intent of bringing “php[tek] to my town.”
Over the years, of course, things change, but we’ve worked hard to make php[tek] always be the premier conference experience for PHP developers. Now PHP powers 83% of all websites and no longer struggles for enterprise adoption.
The conference over the years has taken place in Orlando, Chicago, St. Louis, and now at its current home: Atlanta. It’s currently run by One for All Events LLC, a tech event production company that was founded by PHP community members, in affiliation with php[architect] itself.
We continue to put our love and energy into making sure that php[tek] can always be ‘that event’ that every PHP developer wants to attend.